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Heat engine.what is heat engine in physics.

 Heat engine:-

Friends today iam asking about heat engine.friends heat engine is a device which converts heat into mechanical work.a heat engine essential consist of three parts.

Source of heat at higher temperatures.

Working substances fuel vapour air disel engine.

Sink of heat at lower temperature.

Thermal efficiency of heat engine.it is defined as ratio of net workdone per cycle per engine to the total amount of heat absorbed per cycle by the working substances from the sourse.

Types of heat engine:-2 types

External combustion

Internal combustion

External combustion- in engine  which heat is produced by burning the fuel in a chamber outside the main body of the engine.is called external combustion.

Ex-steam engine is an example of external combustion engine.

Internal combustion- engine in which heat is produced by burning the fuel inside the main body of the engine.is called internal combustion of engine.there are also called four stroke engine.

Ex-petrol engine and disel engine are the example of internal combustion engine.

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