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Smart City mission.india smart City mission.

 Friends today iam asking about smart City mission in india . india is an urban renewal and retrofitting program witH a mission to develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizens friendly and suitable.

development is responsible for

implementing the mission in collaboration with the state government of the respective cities.

The mission envision developing an area within 100 cities in the country as model areas based area development plan,which expected to have a rub of effect on other parts of the city and nearby cities and towns.

Cities have been selected based on the smart cities challenge.in which cities

Competed in country wide competition to gets benifits from this mission.

Each selected city headed by a full time ceo to implement the smart cities mission the executive of project may be done through joint venture, subsidiaries,public private partnership,trunkey contracts,etc suitable dovetailed with revenue streams.centre and state gi provide rs 1000  cored funding to the company,as equal contribution of rs 500 cored each.the has no raise additional fund from the final cial market as debt or equity.

Friends thank you

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