Indian river.

Rivers of India.

Friends today iam asking about Rivers of India .please read and search

In india Rivers can be divided into two main groups

#himalayan river

#penesular river

Himalayan river:-in this three major rivers system are there.

The Indus system:- it isa total length of 2880 km rises Tibet china near near manosarabara lake .it is called singhi khamban in Tibet.

In Jammu and Kashmir it's Himalayan tributaries are sanskar,dras,gartang,shyokk,shigar,nubra Gil git.

It's most important tributaries,which join Indus at various places are Jhelum,Chenab,rabi,bead,Sutlej.

Sources Jhelum from berinag Chenab from bara lacha.pass Ravi from kullu hills near rahtang pass in Himalayas,beas from a place near Rohtang pass in himachal pradesh.and Sutlej for manosobora lakes in western Tibet.

In nari khorsan province of Tibet ,satluj has created an extra ordinary canyon.comparable to the grand canyon of Colorado.

According to the Indus water treaty signed between India and Pakistan in 1960 india can utilise only 20% of the total discharge of Indus ,Jhelum and Chenab.

Friends this is the river of India .next I'm writing about the Ganga.