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What is thorium.and nuclear power plant in india.

 Friends today iam asking about thorium and nuclear power in india.

Let's start- Throrium isa weak radio active metal with thorium -232 as it's most stable isotope .thorium is essential to be over three times more aboudunt than uranium in the earth crust and is chiefly refiened from

monatize stand  as a by product of extracting rare earth metals .monazite is concentrated by weathring in  to economically worka able  deposits in beach sands in the costal tracts.

India posses the largest largest deposits of monazite in the world ,state wise andhrapradesh,tamilnadu odisha (Cuttack and ganjam district),kerla and west bengal have highest concentration of monazite.

India has built a fast breeder nuclear reactor in kalpakkam,which generate 500 megawatt s of electricity by using thorium instead of uranium,which is rare in india.

The only other commercial fast breeder nuclear reactor in history is located in Russia,but this uses uranium instead of Throrium.fast breader reactors would revolutionize nuclear power because there capable of then they consume while generating less nuclear waste.

Nuclear power in india:-

The fifth largest power is sourse of energy is after india hydro electric and renewable sources of electricity.

India has 22 nuclear reactor in operation at seven sites,having an installed capacity of 6780 mw and producing a total of 30,292.91. gwh of electricity.11 more reactor are under construction to generate an additional 8100 mw.

All the 22nf nuclear power reactor are operated by the nuclear power corporation of india.india ranks seventh in number of operated reaction and fourteenth in total installed capacity.

7 nuclear power station:Tarapur,kAkrapara,kudankulam,jaiga, kalpakkam,rawtbhataetc

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