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State of Indian birds report.about cms

 Friends today iam asking about state of Indian birds 202


The state of indian's bird 2020 report was released in the conference which relies in the observation of more than 15000 birdwatchers who helped assess the status of 867 species of indian birds .the study classified 101 species as high .concen,319 as moderate concern and 442 at low con CERN .the number of the Indian peacock has increased dramatically over the past few. Decades.

Tha number of House sparrow has decreased in large cities but it is roughly stables across the country.

All the four species of bustards in india the great Indian busterd.masquern

Bustard,lesser florican and Bengal florican have suffered continuous population decline.

About the cms.

It is also known as Bonn convention which is an intergovernmental treaty concluded under the aeiges of the UNEP.

It acts as a frame work convention and encourges it's state parties to concluded  global global or regional agreement s it was signed in 1979 in Bonn.

Germany and entered in to force in 1983. It provides a global platform forthe conser vation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habbits.

Under this convention , migratory special threatened with extinction are listed on appendix 1.

Migretory species that read or would significantly benifit for international cooperation are listed in appendix 2 of the conversation.

India and the convention -india has been party to the convention on the conservation of migratory species since 1983 

India has also sign non legally binding mou with cms on the conservation and management of siberian cranes, marine truteles ,dugongs and raptors.

India is temporary home to several migratory animals and birds some important among these include amir falcons ,bar headed gees.

India has also launched the national action plan for conservation of migratory species under the Central Asian flyway.

India cop 13 host,has assumed the role of cop presidency for the next three years.

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