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Laws of gravition.important think for gravitational.

 Important think of gravitation.below scroll and know about what is gravitation.

Universal law of gravitation successfully explained several phenomenon like

i-the forece of the binds us to the earth .

ii-the motion of the moon around the earth .presense of atmosphere around a planet.

Acceleration due to gravity.

Whenever an object falls towards the earth an acceleration is in volved .this accleration is due to earth's gravitational and is called accleration due to gravity .it is denoted by g.and si unit is m/s'2 .it is vector quantity and it's direction is towards the centre of the eart

h .the value of g changes slightly from place to place the value of g taken to be 9.8m/s'2 for all the practical purpose.

to a mountain.it becomes a slow but a wrist watch.

Controlled by a springs remain in affected due to decrease in the value of g at the moun tain. The time period of the pendulum of the clock in crease.other hand spring watch remains un affected by the variation.

A tennis balls bounce higher on a hill than on plain as his less on hold than on plains.

One feels giddy while moving on a merry go round as weight appeared to decrease when we move down and appeared to increase when we move up.

surface if distance of object from the centre of the earth increase the value of g is decrease.

H-depth from earth surface.

Mass and weight.

Mass is a quantity which measure the inertia of a body .it is scaler quantity and and is measured in kilogram .the mass the mass of the body can not be zero .greater the mass greater will be the inertia  of the body .irrespective of the position of body in the universe ,mass always remain constant every where .the weight of an object is the force ,with which it is attracted towards the earth .

Weight of an ob ject w=mg

Weight is a vector quantity .it acts in vertically downward direction and the si unit is N.

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