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Human respiratory system.why human need air.

 Hi friends today iam asking human respiratory system.and why human need air.

All living entities required energy for carrying out their cellular and metabolic function for fullfilling their energy requirements,they take nutrients in the form of food .

These food molecules are then ,broken down to their smaller moleucules or in soluble substances and are digested by enzymes to their simple forms.

These molecules are then absorbed and subsequently assimilated by body cell .the assimilated molecules hold energy in the  form of chemical bonds .their bonds energy is then released by oxidation pcocess occuring in the living cells.

All organisms use respiration as a beneficial process for release of energy.it is basically an oxidation process of food substances within the tissue to form CO2  and water with consequently release of energy.the energy produced is stored in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate ,energy currency of cell).and CO2 and water are considered as the by product of this respiration process.

In other simple word, respiration is the process that involves five basic steps.

1-intake oxygen from the environment.

2-step wise oxidation of food with the help of incoming oxygen.

3-Elimination of CO2 produced as a by-product in the process of oxidation.

4-release of small amount of energy during oxidation.

5-storing of energy so that it can released in use full forms

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