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What is motion.science motion.

 I n our daily life wesesom

e objests

In motion ex walking men,moving cars,running trains, and some objects at rest ex furnu,house,trees,etc.in both the casec ,we have in the motion ,the position of object change with time while at rest,the position of objest do not change time.

Rest:-if an object does not chang eilits position with respect to its surroundings with time,when it is called rest ex abook lying on adesk, because it's position with respect to the desk does not chang ewith time.

Motion:-if an object change in its position with respect to its surroundings with time,then it is called in motion.ex-fish swims in water car or bus moves on arias train moves on the track bird flying in air.

Rest motions are relative terms an objest one situation can be rest but in other situation same object can be in motion

 If two cars are going side by side with the same velosity ,then respect to each other they are in a state of rest ,but with respect to trees and persons going on the road ,they are in a steatw of motion.

Rectilinear motion

Circular motion andoccillatory motion.

One dimensional motion.two dimensional motion.three dimensional motion.

When position of an objest change in its two direction  then the motion of an object is called two dimensional motion.

When body moves on aplabe,then the motion

. friends please read this article 🙏🙏🙏🙏 .thank you.

When the position of

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