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Planet and satelite.

 Friends today iam asking about planet  and satelite.

  The heavenly body which revolves around the sun is called planet.in the solar system eight planets are 

mercury,venus,earth ,mars, Jupiter,Saturn,Iran's and Neptune.

The heavenly body which revolves around the planet is called satelite.

Moon is satellites of earth ,this is anatural satellites.on the other hand three many types of artificial satelite .arsyabhata.insat b etc.

Twu types

No1-geostationary satellite other polar satellite.

Parking satellite:-

The satelite which appear to be a fixed position at a definite height to be an obbsever on the earth are called  parking satelite.

The height of the satelite above the surface of the earth is 36000 km and radius of orbit 42400 km.its time period of rotation is 24 hour.

These are used to reflect tv signals and telecast tv programe from one portion of the world to another portion.

Polar satelite:- these are the satelite which revolves in polar orbits around the earth .the height of the satelite above the surface  of the earth is 880km.its period of rotation is 84min.

These satelite are in for casting weather ,studying,the upper reigon of the atmosphere.

Friends read the article and know the word.thank you .

In the commucating. Through radio ,tv and telephone signal across the ocean .in forcastin weather in studing the uppor reign of atmosphere.

In the study of cosmosic rays and solar radiation.plese support.

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